Friday, January 7, 2011

Seed of Faith

So Jesus said to them, “Because of your unbelief; for assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you. _Matthew 17: 20

When we're talking about FAITH, what goes inside our head?..Is it just another concept of putting our trust in someone, that he or she is so trusted, just because the person manage to convince us about something?..And then at the end, we found out he/ she is just another liar like the rest that we knew..

Before we're putting our faith in someone, why don't we first try having faith in God. As the scripture verse above, what God tried to explain is that even when you have small faith inside yourselves, you manage to settle anything because nothing is impossible to God. Even the biggest problem you gonna face, it will be settled because your faith have saves you. Usually when a person says'In the name of Jesus Christ',that person at that moment is filled by faith and proclaiming the glory of God..this means by faith, a person opens his/her heart to God, and letting God working inside him/her.

But the hardest part is that, how to have faith in God, and how to live through it in our daily life? As for me, I've witnessed the great work of God for me for many times. Some moments when I trembled and couldn't stand up back by my own strength, until I can feel that God saves me through that valley of darkness, because I began to cry out for God's mercy on me. That was the time I gained faith.

Referring on scripture is the best way too. When you're reading bible, you're reading the story about how God's working toward all those prophets and saints. He saved so many lives, and those prophets and saints witnessed the mercy that God poured through them, and God gave them a task and elected them as his server and serve others who not yet believe, and then we can see that they're putting their faith in God.

When we're praying without any faith in God, it is nothing. And then it became something that you're forced to do. I tell you, faith+prayer is the most powerful thing..believe me.

The more we're putting our faith in God, the more we fall in love with him.

Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead_James 2: 17

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