Friday, December 31, 2010

2010 Reflection....

If I look back of my journey through 2010,kinda rough I guess..Ow yeah, I cried too much on that year..hehe..Those rocky road were so challenging for me..

But whatever happen, past is a past..If you ask me,do I wanna turn back time if I have the chance?...My answer, NO!!..Maybe I've failed many times during that year...Do they hurt me, yes..Do they change me and make me a better and more mature?..Absolutely..

There's no such thing as 'perfect year'..But there's perfect moment, and that moment was when God intervene my time through each second of it, and it felt so great..I was in the seminary before(Aspirancy 2010), meaning that I was so interested of becoming a priest..I spent 5 month in the aspirants' formation house in CDC(Catholic Diocesan Centre), Penampang..I tried so hard there, especially to fulfill my vocation to be a priest, and my life in that house with my others 12 aspirant brothers was the best moment a person could ever had..But at certain daily programs, such as meditation and manual labor was indeed the hardest part in my formation there..

I remember my final week there. I was so scared, thinking that I have nothing if I sign out from this formation program..Because this was the thing that I always wish for since my childhood..But I guess God told me to give myself a break, because I was too young for my age..I sacrifice so many thing to be there,like left my study unfinished, let my parents disappointed of my decision..well, I never regret of entering the Seminary before,I thank God sooooo much of giving me this priceless experience, and I proud of myself, at least I tried and searched for my real 'call' that God has plan for me..

I glad that God gave me second chance of continuing my study now..Whatever happen to me, by now I believe in God, and I will hold on to him and pursuit my dream that God made for me..

Thanks for everyone that support and pray for me in the past year 2010..May God showered you guys with blessing and daily bread..


John 1:1-3
'In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through Him all things were made'.

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