Monday, January 24, 2011

Things That I ♥♥♥♥

I love everything about acoustic guitar. Usually when I hold a guitar, sudden inspiration came to me to write and compose songs. It is like my best friend, and I can't imagine living without it..

♥♥♥♥ sneakers..I always tried to match my clothing with my shoes. It's no easy job man!!..Usually when I wore dark shoes, I'll dressed up in black jeans with white T-shirt and black jacket.

Yeah, that's my laptop..♥♥♥♥..It's been already a year, and still looks new^_^

My only 'child'..♥♥♥♥..Only one person who can use this, and THAT'S ME..

I got this at GMB'S concert..Great band, still got their signature on that disc..♥♥♥♥ both the key chain and disc..

Sunday, January 9, 2011

My Journey in Catholic Parish Youth Ministry Sipitang

I started to join and commit my part into this ministry since I was 18. I admit, there's a lot of ups and downs moments here with all the members. There's some great memories that really fills my heart with joy when I think back,memorable performances, breakdown moments, much more.

Through our friendship for the past 3 years has been amazing for me. The precious moment is that when we all laughed and fooling around,lol!!..But anyway, we kinda have some team work issues, friendship problem, and even couple issues..well, that's a normal things, right?...but we're improving and try to recover from it.

When we're praying together,I felt the bond that God put into us every second of it, much more like God had put us into another environment where actually it's hard for others to understand, and that what's making us special. Although sometimes we got problem for our choir and band, at the end we managed to cope it very2 well, like our choir set up for Christmas eve last year..I have to say, it was completely a mess..but look what happen for the last minute, we nailed it, because we believe in God's power.

Some people say this and that about us, but we don't even care about what they got to say..Because we know who we are, and we contribute the best for our environment, the congregation, our every team member, for the church, and FOR GOD..

I had witnessed the best 3 years of my life journeying through this ministry. Ow, and you know what do I realize in this journey, is that the fact is we're not origin from sipitang. Some of us came from Kuala Penyu, Ranau, Keningau, Penampang, Tenom, Tuaran, Kudat, state of Sarawak, from Johor, and many places. Some of us got massive range of personality, some are a bit crazy hehehe, some are childish, and some love to sing.....But you know what, we're like brothers and sisters..We don't care what the differences between us, what we know is that God looks us the same way, and we love each others, equally.

I pray for this ministry. I pray for our strength and wisdom to go through any matter that comes, any burden, so that we can take that as a cross of Jesus Christ. Because that's what matter, in the end, all of these are for the glory of God.

Thanks for letting me witnessed this great journey with them, God.

'No one has greater love than to lay down his own life for his friends.' John 15: 13

Friday, January 7, 2011

Seed of Faith

So Jesus said to them, “Because of your unbelief; for assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you. _Matthew 17: 20

When we're talking about FAITH, what goes inside our head?..Is it just another concept of putting our trust in someone, that he or she is so trusted, just because the person manage to convince us about something?..And then at the end, we found out he/ she is just another liar like the rest that we knew..

Before we're putting our faith in someone, why don't we first try having faith in God. As the scripture verse above, what God tried to explain is that even when you have small faith inside yourselves, you manage to settle anything because nothing is impossible to God. Even the biggest problem you gonna face, it will be settled because your faith have saves you. Usually when a person says'In the name of Jesus Christ',that person at that moment is filled by faith and proclaiming the glory of God..this means by faith, a person opens his/her heart to God, and letting God working inside him/her.

But the hardest part is that, how to have faith in God, and how to live through it in our daily life? As for me, I've witnessed the great work of God for me for many times. Some moments when I trembled and couldn't stand up back by my own strength, until I can feel that God saves me through that valley of darkness, because I began to cry out for God's mercy on me. That was the time I gained faith.

Referring on scripture is the best way too. When you're reading bible, you're reading the story about how God's working toward all those prophets and saints. He saved so many lives, and those prophets and saints witnessed the mercy that God poured through them, and God gave them a task and elected them as his server and serve others who not yet believe, and then we can see that they're putting their faith in God.

When we're praying without any faith in God, it is nothing. And then it became something that you're forced to do. I tell you, faith+prayer is the most powerful thing..believe me.

The more we're putting our faith in God, the more we fall in love with him.

Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead_James 2: 17

Friday, December 31, 2010

2010 Reflection....

If I look back of my journey through 2010,kinda rough I guess..Ow yeah, I cried too much on that year..hehe..Those rocky road were so challenging for me..

But whatever happen, past is a past..If you ask me,do I wanna turn back time if I have the chance?...My answer, NO!!..Maybe I've failed many times during that year...Do they hurt me, yes..Do they change me and make me a better and more mature?..Absolutely..

There's no such thing as 'perfect year'..But there's perfect moment, and that moment was when God intervene my time through each second of it, and it felt so great..I was in the seminary before(Aspirancy 2010), meaning that I was so interested of becoming a priest..I spent 5 month in the aspirants' formation house in CDC(Catholic Diocesan Centre), Penampang..I tried so hard there, especially to fulfill my vocation to be a priest, and my life in that house with my others 12 aspirant brothers was the best moment a person could ever had..But at certain daily programs, such as meditation and manual labor was indeed the hardest part in my formation there..

I remember my final week there. I was so scared, thinking that I have nothing if I sign out from this formation program..Because this was the thing that I always wish for since my childhood..But I guess God told me to give myself a break, because I was too young for my age..I sacrifice so many thing to be there,like left my study unfinished, let my parents disappointed of my decision..well, I never regret of entering the Seminary before,I thank God sooooo much of giving me this priceless experience, and I proud of myself, at least I tried and searched for my real 'call' that God has plan for me..

I glad that God gave me second chance of continuing my study now..Whatever happen to me, by now I believe in God, and I will hold on to him and pursuit my dream that God made for me..

Thanks for everyone that support and pray for me in the past year 2010..May God showered you guys with blessing and daily bread..


John 1:1-3
'In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through Him all things were made'.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Christmas is the time today^_^

What I really want for Christmas?.....well, there's so many things that I want...
First_Panggang2 I guess
Second_A T-shirt, which represent who I want to be for this Christmas
Third_Experience Christmas in other places

But what we want the most on Christmas day actually.? There's a song I love the most about Christmas day, and it goes like this:

Is Christmas just a time for getting present?..Or a winter's holiday and nothing more
Or it's just another day in December, if we don't remember who this day is for?

What is Christmas without Jesus? And without him, what is there to celebrate?
What could be the reason for this special Christmas season, without the greatest gift the heavenly Father ever gave

What is Christmas without Jesus? And without him, what would Christmas be?
Without the Holy Savior's birth, there will be no peace on earth..
so to Christmas, CHRIST IS EVERYTHING..

My brothers and sisters in Christ, Have we ever realize that if Jesus were never born, what would happen to this world? So sad to see that Christmas for others is just another 'playground'.So many questions in that song, and have we ever asked ourselves one of the question from it?...Well, so hard because sometimes we only wanted everything just for ourselves..

Let us make this year Christmas special, with Jesus himself..Reflect back and refer more from the scripture, why did He born for us..Make great relationship with Him, so that He will live in us all....Let He captivates us this whole Christmas season..

John 3:16

For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.


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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Talking about 'LOVE'

What is 'LOVE' actually? Is it just something 'bout having a soul mate?...Well, a person can act like he/she is in love with someone, then at the end, it's just another monkey love between them.

How about our love for our own family?...friends, or neighbor?.
Mozt importantly, describe 'LOVE' in our life.

This is my favorite quotation from the bible about love:

Corinthians 13:
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

I guess when we're started to love each other, that is the most greatest gift from God. He is the one who taught us to love, isn't he?....and I truly believe that....

The greatest thing about love?..It bonds us with something...I don't know how actually it really works, but to experience and live through are so great..

Don't misuse love ok?...although I'm a guy, I have to say that I respect women so much..So gurlz, don't even think about if the guy loves you, then you should surrender your body to them..well, sometimes guy's a jerk you think..not all of us are like that..

Love changes everything...sometimes when you have everything that you ever wanted, but you have nobody, the feeling of emptiness and loneliness might put you through dark place..Even if you have soo many friends, but they don't love you like your parents of family do, right?..

Sometimes you felt like your family doesn't care for you anymore, or your friends, or even your closest buddy?...Well you know what, God does..Don't forget, Jesus loves us..He shields us every second of our lives,but we're avoiding Him on purpose
Jesus is humble, kind and never proud....That's why He's full of love..Everything that are live and breath in this earth should know love, for it is the greatest gift from God..It will change us..

About praise and worship

Psalm 34:

1 I will extol the LORD at all times;
his praise will always be on my lips.
2 I will glory in the LORD;
let the afflicted hear and rejoice.
3 Glorify the LORD with me;
let us exalt his name together

I started journeying into praise and worship since I was 18 years old, since the beginning of my active moment through charismatic..I didn't know why I was very interested by this very unbelievable surrounding I have on the first day I joined the charismatic....But as in the bible; Matt 18:20.."For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there I am in the midst of them."...And for the first time, I felt the air like an electricity..Then I started to cry, but it's not a cry of sadness or anything, but It's a touch of Joy. I knew at that moment that God had touched me by his Holy Spirit..

Worship is a very common word used by every religion on earth..But when we're focusing on 'worship', you must believe that we taking part in a very intimate relationship and admit in every words we can say, that He is mighty and worthy to be praise as our Lord and Father, and by that moment God himself comes through you and He touch you, not by real touch or something that...well, sometimes people believe that they heard someone shouting their name from above and believe it was a call from God, and many more of it, and actually that's not how God touches us through event like this...It begins with our faith. Especially when we're attending a concert or conference, we must be ready to give our all to God for that very moment....Make some special moment with God, and relationship between you and God at that moment will last very longer, and more possible live in you....that's a touch really is..After some event, ask yourself..Does the event really making impact on you, spiritually?..Because usually if you do, you would not be asking question like that..You would probably rejoice until you get back to your house and sing like there's no tomorrow..To make it short, let it comes naturally..Don't pretend like you're worshiping, and you're not..If you wanna jump, then jump..or you wanna scream, just do it...or raise your hand higher....JUST DO IT...because you know what, God will see you from heaven and bless you with his power of love....

I have few tips laaa for us all, based on my experiences of being a worshiper just for couple of years now....

1.Preparation, spiritually_Usually I will get intimated by my fear, so I will seek some words from the scripture about encouragement or faith. is always about God, not you._Never depends on your gift...Surrender all of it to God, and let the Holy spirit takes over.(This is not a place to promote yourself)

3.You as an USHER_As a worshiper, we're ushering people, let them know how great is our Lord Jesus Christ by songs and most possibly with scripture of God, and they will follow.

4. Don't always refer on your own ability, especially when it comes to not..If you're a guy, maybe it's ok, but if you're a gurl, don't be too much like Mariah Carey, until you wanna belt out your voice, until all the female congregations take the lower not as the guys...Be careful, I've been there..

Worship is a moment with God, fully 100% focus on God and follow the river of the Holy Spirit, where He wants to take you, just follow...Don't have doubt, because on that very night, everything will change..Believe it, because I've been there..
Praise be to Our Lord Jesus Christ..