Psalm 34:
1 I will extol the LORD at all times;
his praise will always be on my lips.
2 I will glory in the LORD;
let the afflicted hear and rejoice.
3 Glorify the LORD with me;
let us exalt his name together
I started journeying into praise and worship since I was 18 years old, since the beginning of my active moment through charismatic..I didn't know why I was very interested by this very unbelievable surrounding I have on the first day I joined the charismatic....But as in the bible; Matt 18:20.."For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there I am in the midst of them."...And for the first time, I felt the air like an electricity..Then I started to cry, but it's not a cry of sadness or anything, but It's a touch of Joy. I knew at that moment that God had touched me by his Holy Spirit..
Worship is a very common word used by every religion on earth..But when we're focusing on 'worship', you must believe that we taking part in a very intimate relationship and admit in every words we can say, that He is mighty and worthy to be praise as our Lord and Father, and by that moment God himself comes through you and He touch you, not by real touch or something that...well, sometimes people believe that they heard someone shouting their name from above and believe it was a call from God, and many more of it, and actually that's not how God touches us through event like this...It begins with our faith. Especially when we're attending a concert or conference, we must be ready to give our all to God for that very moment....Make some special moment with God, and relationship between you and God at that moment will last very longer, and more possible live in you....that's a touch really is..After some event, ask yourself..Does the event really making impact on you, spiritually?..Because usually if you do, you would not be asking question like that..You would probably rejoice until you get back to your house and sing like there's no tomorrow..To make it short, let it comes naturally..Don't pretend like you're worshiping, and you're not..If you wanna jump, then jump..or you wanna scream, just do it...or raise your hand higher....JUST DO IT...because you know what, God will see you from heaven and bless you with his power of love....
I have few tips laaa for us all, based on my experiences of being a worshiper just for couple of years now....
1.Preparation, spiritually_Usually I will get intimated by my fear, so I will seek some words from the scripture about encouragement or faith.
2.REMEMBER....it is always about God, not you._Never depends on your gift...Surrender all of it to God, and let the Holy spirit takes over.(This is not a place to promote yourself)
3.You as an USHER_As a worshiper, we're ushering people, let them know how great is our Lord Jesus Christ by songs and most possibly with scripture of God, and they will follow.
4. Don't always refer on your own ability, especially when it comes to not..If you're a guy, maybe it's ok, but if you're a gurl, don't be too much like Mariah Carey, until you wanna belt out your voice, until all the female congregations take the lower not as the guys...Be careful, I've been there..
Worship is a moment with God, fully 100% focus on God and follow the river of the Holy Spirit, where He wants to take you, just follow...Don't have doubt, because on that very night, everything will change..Believe it, because I've been there..
Praise be to Our Lord Jesus Christ..